Ronny Yu, China / Hong Kong / Japan, 2006
2 out of 4 stars
This film has some interesting things to say about provincialism and nationalism, seeing as how it depicts its hero as struggling to “progress” from the former to the latter.” The message is quite clear and not at all muddled, but the only problem is a lack of balance in the depiction of his progression. There’s a lot of time spent on his bad old days in Tianjin (which at least contains many entertaining fight scenes), but when he starts having a change of heart, it leads to this fairly random change in ideology that takes place almost concurrently with his growing moral conscience, but there’s no real coherent connection made there. Instead, we see him profoundly inspired and influenced by that most tired of outmoded film clichés, the newsboy yelling out the plot points, even crucial decisions by the protagonist.
Some complained that Hero was a propaganda piece for Chinese nationalism (at the exepense of, say, Tibet, Xinjian or even Taiwan), but if it was, at least it was a good one. This film wants to convey some image of virtuos nationalism, but it seems like they couldn’t find a way to make it worth watching, to actually make the propaganda work, so the director just starts barreling through seemingly important events in his hero’s life after all the pointless-but-fun fights are over. At least Jet Li finally gets the chance to strike a literal blow against European imperialism by fighting white folks with Western fighting styles, although once again, the final fight is against a Japanese martial artist (the film hedges in an interesting matter regarding the Japanese, while it’s fairly non-committal about the Europeans). His acting sucks in this one though, and you may think that’s stating the obvious, but he showed much more pathos in the recent Unleashed, and his rarely-seen carefree persona was much more appealing in the earlier Swordsman II, so I thought it was worth noting.
Source: Universal 35mm print
8 October, 7:05 PM
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